Collectible 특별 수작업 매듭 윤기나는 울/실크

타브리즈 50 Raj 실크 함유 러그
304x411 cm

3,704,419 Ft
6,174,009 Ft
지난 30일 최저가: 3,704,419 Ft
재고 단 1

카페트의 색상은 보는 각도에 따라서 다르게 보일 수 있습니다.

CarpetVista Collectible

A brightly coloured 50 Raj collector's item featuring an intricately detailed focal medallion centrepiece, produced by renowned designer Tayebnejad.
Tabriz is without a doubt one of the most famous weaving centres in the world and has a long and rich cultural heritage of carpet making that dates back as far as the 15th century. The city is located in the North Western part of modern day Iran and has gained an impressive reputation as one of the world's biggest carpet exporters. The region has played a vital role in the development of artistic expression in carpets and features a wide and diverse array of different designs. Revival of the declining carpet industry in the 19th century is largely due to the merchants and weavers of Tabriz. It was during the Safavid Dynasty (1499-1722) that the finest of Persian carpets were produced and during the mid 19th century Tabriz weavers once more took up the making of these exceptionally beautiful carpets. Weavers from Tabriz were amongst the first to introduce curvilinear designs, a pattern that requires utmost precision and demands a higher knot density due to it's finesse. A floral gem This majestic Tabriz 50 Raj carpet depicts an almost mesmerizing array of ornamental floral arrangements with beautifully composed bouquets and intricately detailed finesse. Set on a deep rich background the predominantly silk floral imagery is mesmerizingly accentuated and beautifully scattered around the carpet. This is a prime example of an artistic piece only possible to make by the most talented and experienced of weavers. This particular carpet is all the more unique due to it's strikingly detailed floral focal piece and it's impressively thick and adorned floral border. This is a high-end collector's piece of intrinsic market value and similar pieces have recently become all the more appealing to the discerned interior designer.

페르시아 / 이란 타브리즈 50 Raj 실크 함유 러그 카페트 .

이 카페트는 페르시아 북서부의 도시 타브리즈의 작업장에서 생산합니다. 짧고 질긴 파일의 견고하고 튼튼한 카페트입니다. 그 패턴은 중앙에 위치한 메달 주위로 아라베스크, 수양버들, 사이프레스가 새겨져 있습니다. 또 하나의 인기있는 모티프로는 봄, 여름, 가을과 겨울 동안 페르시아 농부들의 삶을 묘사하는 사계절이 있습니다.

여기에서 타브리즈 카페트 관련 추가 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.

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