특별 수작업 매듭 손으로 짠 울

Mamluk 러그
246x299 cm

23,464 kr
33,520 kr
지난 30일 최저가: 23,464 kr
재고 단 1

카페트의 색상은 보는 각도에 따라서 다르게 보일 수 있습니다.

아프가니스탄 Mamluk 러그 카페트 .

Mamluk means "one who is owned". The Mamluks were slave soldiers that over time became a powerful military knightly class in various Muslim societies that were controlled by Arab rulers. During the Mamluk reign some beautiful rug designs was developed and by many thought to be the where the oriental medallion was first created.
The Mamluk rugs that you see here are inspired by the original Mamluk designs of which only very few remains. The designs are characterized by a central medallion surrounded by smaller motifs.

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