Konkurs na najlepszy projekt Rugvista!


Flower field - Carmen Paramon



In this work I wanted to depict a landscape (the flower field) through an abstract, mystical perspective and I tried to suggest the feeling that this view gives you.
In aceasta lucrare am vrut sa ilustrez un peisaj (campul cu flori) printr-o perspectiva abstracta, mistica si am incercat sa sugerez sentimentul pe care aceasta priveliste ti-l transmite.

O Carmen Paramon

I finished Art and Design University in Cluj - Napoca, Romania, where I studied mostly interior and product design. During the Masters I studied one semester at The Academy of Beautiful Arts in Macerata, Italy, where I discovered the beauty of graphic design and how you can access the deepest layer of your imagination through graphics. Now I work as a freelance designer in both interior and graphic design, feeling fulfilled with every project I accomplish.
Am terminat Facultatea de Arta si Design din Cluj - Napoca, Romania, unde am studiat in mare parte design interior si design de produs. In timpul masteratului am studiat un semestru la Academia de Arte Frumoase din Macerata, Italia, unde am descoperit frumusetea designului grafic si cum poti sa patrunzi foarte adanc in imaginatie prin grafica. In prezent lucrez ca designer de interior si designer grafic liber-profesionist, simtindu-ma realizata prin fiecare proiect finalizat.

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