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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Frost 은 Simmon Irad Acevedo Luna



"Frost" is a way to represent the invisible life and give you a new vision of it.
It is based on the microscopic view of freezing in a blade of grass, taking the most prominent parts and being carried to minimalism to turn them into something completely different to its reality.
"Frost" es una forma de representar la vida imperceptible y darle una nueva visión.
Está basado en la vista microscópica del congelamiento en una hoja de césped, tomando las partes más destacadas y siendo llevadas al minimalismo para convertirlas en algo totalmente diferente a su realidad.

에 대해 Simmon Irad Acevedo Luna

Simmon Irad Acevedo Luna is an industrial design student that looks for simplicity and elegance in each of his designs.
Although he takes inspiration in architecture, nature, painting and other fields, his designs have an austere and personal touch that characterize them.
Lover of illustration and music, that despite being young, he already has experience working in some fields of furniture, jewelry and packaging, this due to his great mood and wish of grow up as designer.
Simmon Irad Acevedo Luna es un estudiante de diseño industrial que busca la simplicidad y elegancia en cada uno de sus diseños. Aunque tome inspiración en la arquitectura, naturaleza, pintura y otros campos, sus diseños tienen un toque personal y austero que lo caracterizan.
Amante de la ilustración y música que pesar de ser joven ya cuenta con experiencia laboral en algunos campos de mobiliario joyería y empaque,esto debido al gran ánimo y deseo de llegar lejos como diseñador.

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의 기타 디자인 Simmon Irad Acevedo Luna

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