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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Vibrant Serendipity 은 Silvia Pintilie



This merge of vibrant colors is inspired by the Aurora Borealis, an atmospheric phenomenon also known as the Northern Lights. The design is a parallel between the fusion of shades and the fusion of thoughts through communication and positive feelings. Structurally, the characters are designed in the same manner, but each of them physiognomically individualizes. This carpet particulary distinguishes from a modern but natural interior, with nordic essence wood furniture( pine or birch).
Aceasta fuziune de culori vibrante este inspirata de Aurora Borealis, fenomentul atmosferic numit si Luminile Nordului. Compozitia este o paralela intre fuziunea nuantelor si fuziunea ideilor prin comunicare si sentimente pozitive. Structural, personajele sunt create in aceiasi maniera, insa fiecare are o fizionomie individualizata. Acest covor se distinge intr-un ambient modern dar natural, langa un mobilier de esenta nordica, cum este pinul sau mesteacanul.

에 대해 Silvia Pintilie

Silvia Pintilie is a 30 years old Romanian artist and interior designer based in Iasi, Romania. She has a Mural Arts BA and a Public Arts MFA Degree at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, exhibiting both solo and in groups, and participating since 2000 in various stages and masterclasses around Europe. More than a profession, Silvia considers her job as a life-lasting passion, taking a challenge with every new work and bringing color and creativity into her projects. Her artistic preoccupations include painting on different mediums, 3D projecting and furniture design. Since 2010 she runs the interior design and visual arts company Inland Projects
Silvia Pintilie, artist si interior designer din Iasi, Romania, are 30 de ani si este absolventa Universitatii Nationale de Arte Bucuresti, studiind Arta Murala in perioada cursurilor de licenta si Arta Publica in cadrul cursurilor masterale. De asemenea, din 2000 participa la numeroase stagii si masterclass-uri in Europa, avand si multiple expozitii personale si de grup. Mai mult decat o profesie, Silvia considera preocuparile sale artistice ca fiind cea mai importanta pasiune, acceptand o provocare cu fiecare noua lucrare si aducand o nota personala colorata si creativa fiecarui proiect. Explorarile sale artistice includ pictura pe diferite suporturi, proiectarea 3D si design-ul de mobilier. Din 2010, Silvia conduce studioul de design interior si arta vizuala Inland Projects

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