Rugvista 디자인 대회!

2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Light spots 은 Alina Goran



There is nothing better than starting the day watching the sun, feeling its warmth on my skin and enjoying the light spots bouncing all around. This bright and cheerful carpet design is meant to bring all that joy inside the house.
E atat de frumos cand imi incep ziua uitandu-ma la soare, simtindu-i caldura pe piele si bucurandu-ma de petele de lumina sarind in jurul meu. Acest model de covor luminos si vesel a fost creat sa aduca acea bucurie in casa.

에 대해 Alina Goran

Colours, shapes, patterns, textures bring me lots of joy. There is nothing better than sharing this happiness through my designs, photographs and paintings.
Culorile, formele, modelele, texturile imi aduc multa fericire. Imi face mare placere sa impart aceasta bucurie prin creatile, fotografiile si picturile mele.

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