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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Stagno 은 Katia Silla



The liquid element divides and multiplies as happens when you throw a stone into the motionless pond and the waves propagate in a play of reflections.
L'elemento liquido si divide e si moltiplica come succede quando si lancia un sasso nell'acqua e le onde si propagano in un gioco di riflessi.

에 대해 Katia Silla

Tiziano Deflorian was born in Fiemme valley- Dolomites (Italy) where he also lives.
He graduated with first class honours from the Art Academy of Florence. During his artistic career he has been experiencing new approaches to material and form reaching minimalist results. He took part in national and international sculpture, painting and object design competitions. He has been involved in interior design for about ten years. He won different prizes and realised works both in Italy and in foreign countries. He has recently been awarded with the Mittel Europa prize at the contemporary art exhibition in Vilnius. His design is inspired by the secrets of Nature and its archetypal cross-references.

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Tiziano Deflorian nasce e vive in Valle di Fiemme – Dolomiti (Italy).
Si laurea con lode presso l’Accademia delle belle Arti di Firenze. Esperimenta nuovi approcci alla materia e alla forma giungendo ad esiti a carattere minimalista. Partecipa a concorsi nazionali ed internazionali nel campo della scultura, della pittura e del design dell’oggetto. Da una decina d’anni si occupa anche di interior design. Ha vinto diversi premi e realizzato opere sia in ambito pubblico che privato in Italia e all’estero. Recentemente ha ricevuto il premio Mittel Europa alla fiera d’atre contemporanea di Vilnius. Il suo design si ispira al mistero della natura e a dei rimandi archetipici.

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