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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

The Last Apple 은 Eva Chupíkova

체코 공화국

체코 공화국

This is an old apple tree that grows in the designers grandmothers garden. She has tried to show it in the unique moment when the time of abundance and vitality finally ends and the winter lulls trees to sleep.
Motivem pro můj koberec se stala stará jabloň, která roste na zahradě mojí babičky. Pokusila jsem se zachytit vzácný okamih, kdy končí období hojosti a života a zima uspává stromy k tichu a pokoji.

에 대해 Eva Chupíkova

In 1998 Eva graduated from the Univerzity in Olomouc where she lives with her family. From 2000 she has been working as a freelance illustrator focusing on computer graphics and children‘s illustrations. Digital techniques give her maximum freedom to experiment and follow her visions and ideas of beauty. She also has her own fashion label Atelier Chae and has created her original clothing and jewelry from hand painted silk. She loves the process of drawing and painting and it makes her happy when people and children like her work too.
V roce 1998 jsem ukončila studia na Univerzitě v Olomouci, kde žiji se svou rodinou a od roku 2000 se na volné noze věnuji grafice a dětské ilustraci.
Počítačová grafika mi dává svobodu a široké možnosti vyjádření. Tvořím také pod značkou Atelier Chae, zabývám se zejména originální módou a šperkem. Poznání, že se moje tvorba líbí, mi přináší pocit sebenaplnění a radosti.

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