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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Rebeldia 은 Carlos Alberto Villella



The carpet design represents the tension between the geometry of man and the dynamics of the nature.
Representa la tension entre la geometria del hombre y la dinamica de la naturaleza.-

에 대해 Carlos Alberto Villella

Carlos Alberto Villella is an architect. He graduated from the University of Buenos Aires. He has been living on a farm for the past twelve years. The dialogue with the nature is constant, this relation, changes, inspires and this is what influences his works.
Me llamo Carlos Alberto Villella, arquitecto ,egresado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires; vivo en el campo desde hace ya varios años, el dialogo permanente con la naturaleza, el contacto con ella, transforma, nutre e influye en mis trabajos.-

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