Contact us

Our customer service is available to answer your questions and give you the advice that you need. You can phone us during our opening hours and email us whenever it is convenient for you. We aim to respond to your inquiry before end of business on the day that we receive your email. No matter what your question is, do not hesitate to call or to email us.

We speak and write the following languages: English, Swedish, Danish, French, Dutch, Spanish, German, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic and Italian. You can also write to us in other languages, but we will reply in English. is run by Rugvista AB, Ringugnsgatan 11, SE-216 16 Malmö, Sweden. OrgNr: 556458-9207, VAT: SE556458920701

Ringugnsgatan 11
S-216 16 Malmö

Fax: +46 40 18 22 25

Opening hours:

Opening hours (CET)
Mon - Fri 10am - 6 pm
Saturday 11am - 3pm
Sundays and public holidays Closed

Exclusive showroom

CarpetVista sells carpets online to customers in more than 125 countries worldwide. We always offer a 30 day money back guarantee so our customers are able to see how the carpet fits in before making a final decision. If despite this you are interested in seeing the carpet before you decide on a purchase you are welcome to book an appointment in our showroom.

We can help arrange for hotel booking and transportation from the airport for your visit. Please contact us by telephone +44 20 3808 9940 or email at for more information.

Exclusive showroom

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